ELLIS BROS is a Financial Advice Provider. It fills a niche sharemarket advisory role that has specialised in private-client advice since 1994. It offers a full range of investment services relating to investments in New Zealand and Australian shares, and in local fixed-interest securities.
Note that Ellis Bros does not deal for non-NZ residents.
In addition to its traditional advisory function, ELLIS BROS offers a streamlined one-off sales service. It also has a facility to enable lawyers/executors of to sell NZ/Australian shares that are held in the name of an Estate.
Stock purchases must be settled within two business days. Copies of contract notes can be emailed to clients on the same day of purchase/sale to help facilitate prompt settlement. Proceeds of stock/bond sales, similarly, are paid two days after the transaction date. To ensure prompt receipt of sales proceeds clients must provide ELLIS BROS with bank account details (and certified ‘proof of bank account’ documentation must be submitted during the account-establishment process).
Clients have the option of operating a Registered-Bank call account in tandem with their stock-trading account if they wish to simplify the flow of funds.